Is the mind really that fickle?
My first boyfriend and I bonded over theology. He and his family were part of a home-based, semi-exclusive, Christian church. We met in our last year of school, when we were 17, and he had begun questioning his restrictive upbringing. There were a lot more rules about behaviour in his church than mine. For instance, women were not allowed to wear pants or cut their hair short. The only permitted biblical translation was the King James version. Most relationships outside the church were frowned upon – even relationships with other Christians. One of the core beliefs of his congregation was that they were the only Christians who got it all right; that all other Christian churches were on the path to eternal separation from God. Needless to say, I was intrigued. He was open to talking about it and questioning what he had been taught. Our theological discussions were usually tilted towards my interpretations of scripture. After all, I was the one who had been taught to look ...